Tag Archives: music

New Song — Codename Mystic

Here’s anoth­er song. I haven’t both­ered nam­ing it yet, so I’ll just release it under the code­name I’ve been using. The song again fea­tures Ableton’s Collision instru­ment for the bells in the begin­ning. It was part­ly inspired by the upbeat and airy sound of Aphex Twin’s Flim, which is one of my favorite tracks of […]

New Song — Spelunkatronis

I don’t have a whole lot to say about this track, oth­er than that it is one of my first songs that actu­al­ly feels some­what fin­ished. I had a lot of fun mak­ing this one. In par­tic­u­lar, I fell in love with Ableton Live’s Collision instru­ment and the infi­nite vari­ety of bell-like sounds that it […]

New Song — Tecate Plus

This song is a lit­tle bit new­er; I made it some­time in ear­ly 2010. I can’t cite any spe­cif­ic inspi­ra­tion in its mak­ing, but as the title might sug­gest, alco­hol had some­thing to do with it. Really, I think that this song was just the result of my recent acqui­si­tion of a legit­i­mate copy of […]

New Song — Arabesque

I made this song a cou­ple years back, most­ly due to inspi­ra­tion from the demoscene. I was also lis­ten­ing to a lot of Commodore 64 music at the time (both clas­sics and mod­ern orig­i­nals com­posed for the SID chip). The MOS Technology SID chips used for audio syn­the­sis in the C64 were extreme­ly advanced, and […]