New Song — Arabesque

64K is a lot of memory.

I made this song a cou­ple years back, most­ly due to inspi­ra­tion from the demoscene. I was also lis­ten­ing to a lot of Commodore 64 music at the time (both clas­sics and mod­ern orig­i­nals com­posed for the SID chip). The MOS Technology SID chips used for audio syn­the­sis in the C64 were extreme­ly advanced, and way ahead of their time, fea­tur­ing things like ASDR envelopes which are nor­mal­ly found on stand­alone syn­the­sis­ers. Speaking of which, the SID chips had such a fol­low­ing that Elektron put togeth­er a stand­alone sound mod­ule based on them called the SidStation. Of course the SID can be accu­rate­ly emu­lat­ed in soft­ware, but that won’t stop the hard­ware purists from pin­ing for the orig­i­nal, flawed hard­ware. At any rate, I don’t have a SID chip or an emu­la­tor, but that did­n’t stop me from try­ing to make a SID-like song!

Evan Mezeske — Arabesque

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