New Song — Tecate Plus

An ethanol molecule

The chem­i­cal that makes beer fun hap­pens to look a bit like a Corgi.

This song is a lit­tle bit new­er; I made it some­time in ear­ly 2010. I can’t cite any spe­cif­ic inspi­ra­tion in its mak­ing, but as the title might sug­gest, alco­hol had some­thing to do with it. Really, I think that this song was just the result of my recent acqui­si­tion of a legit­i­mate copy of Ableton Live 8. It was a lot more sta­ble than the pirate tri­al ver­sion I was using before, and know­ing that it was­n’t going to ran­dom­ly crash made it eas­i­er to spend more time on a track. I can’t real­ly say enough good things about Live 8, but I’ll save that for a future post (maybe I should do some tuto­ri­als?). Aside from my Live 8 fever, I think that I had recent­ly made a nice pad sound on my Alesis Andromeda A6, and I had to cre­ate a song in which to use it.

Evan Mezeske — Tecate Plus

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