Tag Archives: rants

Telecommuting Has Benefits, Too

Recently I’ve run across a few arti­cles (on Hacker News and else­where) about the draw­backs of telecom­mut­ing. I agree that there are draw­backs, but I believe that they can be coun­ter­bal­anced by the ben­e­fits under the right cir­cum­stances. The Right Circumstances Not every per­son is cut out to telecom­mute, and not every job is suitable […]

Please Don’t Request User Input in the Middle of a Lengthy Task

It’s hap­pened to every­one. You kick off a soft­ware installer, answer a few ques­tions about how you’d like things set up, click next and you’re pre­sent­ed with a long progress bar. “No prob­lem,” you think to your­self, “this is a good excuse to grab a cup­pa joe.” You leave the com­put­er to its busi­ness and […]

C++ Streams & Typedefs: Be Charful

The C++ type­def key­word is indis­pens­able in many sit­u­a­tions, espe­cial­ly for writ­ing portable low-lev­­el code. However, in some cir­cum­stances it can cause trou­ble, par­tic­u­lar­ly when it comes to func­tion over­load­ing. Consider the fol­low­ing C++ tem­plate class: tem­plate <type­name T> struct foo­bar {     foo­bar( con­st T foo ) : foo_( foo ) {} […]

The Terror of the Long Comment

A code com­ment can be a won­der­ful thing. It can offer a gem of con­text around a quirky bit of code that will make the read­er’s life eas­i­er for years to come: // Fields c and d are inten­tion­al­ly switched in ver­sion 3 of the // pro­to­col; see RFC 2324 S 12. fields.push_back( a ); fields.push_back( […]